Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First Aid

Heart attacks and shockShock

is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the vital organs, such as the brain and heart are deprived of oxygen due to a problem affecting the circulatory system. The most common cause of shock is blood loss but can be caused by other fluid loss such as vomiting or severe burns. Shock may also be caused when the heart has been damaged in some way, such as heart attack or angina and is unable to pump an adequate supply to the body.
The recognition features of shock include:
Pale, cold, clammy skin (skin could become blue/grey in appearance in severe shock, lips especially may appear blue)
Weakness and dizziness
Feeling sick and possibly vomiting
Rapid, shallow breathing.
If shock is not treated the casualty will:
Become restless and aggressive
Start yawning and gasping for air
Lose consciousness.
Eventually the heart will stop.

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