Friday, January 15, 2010

Tea Benefits

Tea is known as nature’s 'wonder drug'. Of late, tea and its healthy benefits have been receiving wide attention in the media. The ability of tea to promote good health has long been believed in many countries, especially Japan, China, India, and even England.

The buzz about tea and its benefits is getting louder and is simply becoming too difficult to ignore. Enlightened tea drinkers are rediscovering the protective and revitalizing benefits of this ancient drink.

Ever wonder why the Chinese and Japanese have some of the longest life-expectancy rates in the world

First of all, you need to answer these very simple questions:

  • Are you concerned that your kids might join the burgeoning ranks of obese children due to the unhealthy effects of their everyday consumption of tasty treats like burgers, hotdogs, pizza, chips and candies?
  • Are you concerned about the lurking threat of heart attacks and strokes that might hit you, your spouse or your parents anytime due to the adverse effects of fat-filled diet, smoking, and drinking?
  • Are you concerned that the stress of everyday life and exposure to harmful elements in the environment could wear your family’s defenses down and expose them to the threat of cancer?
If your answer to all those questions is YES, then you need to act

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